50:50 Challenge Pledge

Gloucestershire Employment and Skills hub are looking to identify local employers who can offer up to 50 hours of work placement to people aged over 50 who are looking to return the workplace in substantive roles.

The 50:50 challenge is a local scheme, set up to support those aged >50 back into the workplace, noting the vast range of skills and experience that they can bring. The 50:50 scheme encourages employers to engage people aged >50 on a voluntary basis for up to 50 hours to experience their workplace. The work-experience your organisation provides can be paid/unpaid for the 50 hours and could lead to offering the individual a role in your practice/PCN if suitable for both parties. The 50 hours work-experience provides the opportunity for an extended job interview to assess the fit from the employer and employee perspective, but it doesn’t have to end with a job offer if this is not right for either party.

If your Practice/PCN are interested in offering a 50:50 placement, please complete the form below:

  • Gloucestershire Employment and Skills hub will circulate these details across our services and to our partner organisations, asking for prospective participants to contact the E&S Hub
  • The opportunity can be ‘carved’ specifically or be an existing opportunity, it could be in one area or across multiple job types in your company
  • Gloucestershire Employment and Skills hub will be in contact with you when someone expresses an interest in your opportunity, to organise an introduction
  • Gloucestershire Employment and Skills hub will also keep in touch with you throughout each placement to make sure everything runs smoothly and to ask for feedback
  • There is no commitment to offer paid work, unless you wish to – Make your pledge and Gloucestershire Employment and Skills hub will do the rest

For any questions regarding the 50:50 challenge, please see this presentation or contact Gloucestershire Employment and Skills hub on: Employment and Skills Hub | Employment and Skills Hub – Gloucestershire Forms

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