Core Training

Training provided by e-Lfh

Core SPLW training – Social Prescribing – Learning for Link Workers programme modulesElearning resource SPLWs that includes the core elements and skills required to do the job and deliver social prescribing as part of a PCN multi-disciplinary team. There are currently 11 modules:
Introduction to the social prescribing link worker role
Developing personalised care and support plans with people
Developing partnerships
Introducing people to community groups and VCSE organisations
Safeguarding vulnerable people
Keeping records and measuring impact
Supporting people with their mental health through social prescribing Social welfare, legal support and money guidance
Supporting children and young people through social prescribing (to follow) - Supervision
Social prescribing and the Armed Forces Community
Safeguarding Adults – Level 1This session covers the statutory and mandatory training for Safeguarding Adults Level 1. It has been designed to meet the learning outcomes in the UK Core Skills Training Framework.
Safeguarding Children – Level 1This e-learning session meets the statutory and mandatory training requirements and learning outcomes for Safeguarding Children Level 1 in the UK Core Skills Training Framework (UK CSTF).
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) programmeThe MECC elearning programme is designed to support learners in developing an understanding of public health and the factors that impact on a person’s health and wellbeing. It focuses on how asking questions and listening effectively to people is a vital role for us all.
Person-Centred Approaches programmeThe scope of this eLearning is to introduce the behaviours, knowledge and skills for person-centred approaches, including the values, core communication and relationship building skills, engaging people and enabling and supporting people.
Personalised Care Institute (PCI)The PCI has a range of elearning, podcasts, webinars, free materials and resources. You will need to register to access the PCI content. As part of the registration process, the PCI need to understand which NHS Integrated Care Board (CCG) area you work within.
Relevant courses for SPLWs on the PCI site include – Health coaching: advancing your capabilities / Shared Decision Making / Personalised Care and Support Planning / Core Skills (module provides a holistic view of health and care, highlighting the benefits of personalised care and demonstrating how it improves health outcomes)

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