RCN Accredited Asthma & COPD Course

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Event Series Event Series: RCN Accredited Asthma & COPD Course

RCN Accredited Asthma & COPD Course

27th September 2024


6 month training course is Asthma/COPD.

This course is a collaborative provision between your employer and BBO
Training Ltd. It provides a comprehensive preparation for the experienced
Health Care professional working in the primary care type setting to provide a
competent and holistic approach to patients with Respiratory Disease. It has been well evaluated by
HCPs even when they already have a Diploma in either of the areas.

Overall aim of Course

To equip qualified Health Care Professionals with the knowledge and skills to
deliver both an asthma and COPD service in conjunction with their medical
colleagues in the Community setting. To help them raise the awareness of these
disease areas within that setting and work safely with PGDs and protocols as
appropriate. To prepare them clinically and theoretically to be able to run review
and diagnostic clinics within their own competency framework. To clearly
recognise the differences of these two long term conditions.

Course philosophy

The course team believes that health workers should take an active role in
promoting health and meeting the particular needs of patients who attend for
asthma and COPD review or diagnosis within the Primary health care setting. To
enable this, health workers become a resource and provide opportunities for
patients to be confident in managing their own condition.

Overview of the Course

The course is accredited by The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) as a Short
Professional Course, together with its Log-Book.
It equates to approximately 120 hours of study and clinical practice.
There are taught sessions of 5 days divided into 1-2 days a week over the initial 3
months with a final day at during the 4th month.
You (the student) are expected to complete clinical hours under the supervision
of an approved mentor following the ( 2nd (Asthma) and 3rd (COPD) study days.
This will usually be in your own clinical/practice area and this ongoing clinical
practice is observed and validated by the mentor during the course.
A final clinical/theory assessment follows approximately 6 months from start.
This final assessment is in the form of an OSCE/VIVA and test of knowledge.
All these components will prepare you well for continuing your professional
development in this area of care.

Student support

The support offered to you on this course is very multifaceted and you need to
take advantage of all aspects.
Lecturer support is available both by email and telephone. Please do not
hesitate to contact us if you need help, have any concerns or just want to
chat about the course.
Within Practice you should have the support of your management to
complete the course and any problems here need to be addressed as soon as
possible to Frankie Brown or Paula Matson . Within Practice your mentor will
need to be available, both to arrange Asthma/COPD sessions if appropriate
and to mentor you in your own environ. The mentor will also need to arrange
clinical meetings with you and any other concerned person (ie GP or other
health professionals supporting you). If you have to arrange mentorship
outside your own practice then you will be responsible for any cost incurred.

Placement requirements

It is important that as a student choosing your mentor, you need to bear in mind
whether the placement area you have chosen can give you the width and depth
of experience you need. Sometimes using a second mentor in your own or
another setting can be useful.
Please check that the teaching team approves your mentor/placement before
making final arrangements.

Mentor Criteria

The mentors for the course will need to have a minimum of both Asthma/COPD
experience following an approved course. They will therefore have a good
knowledge of what is expected during your training. In many training centres the
medical practitioners will also play an active part in your mentorship, enabling a
team approach to care. Mentors should also have teaching or mentorship
Your mentor will have the opportunity to attend an update in the subject area
and a virtual course instruction session in the early stages of the theory element
if they so need or desire.
You will be responsible with your primary mentor for organising and validating
your clinical contacts, both mentored and alone. At the time of your final
assessment these forms should have been completed and be ready to hand in
together with both your and mentors evaluations. A log of all clinical hours and
contacts is also required (minimum 36hrs)

Teaching and Learning Experience

Students completing this course will be given an opportunity to: –
Attend and participate in sessions including workshops, simulations,
discussions, seminars and tutorials. (Either virtual or face2face)

Experience Asthma and COPD practice provided in own local settings;
Through clinical practice, students will continue to develop knowledge and
skills on all treatments: their composition, efficacy, indications,
contraindications and modes of action.
They will gain advisory skills within the wider arena of respiratory care
Attend sessions for clinical practice.
Complete a minimum of 36hrs of documented clinical practice, supervised
where appropriate.
Keep an ongoing log of clinical practice and hours together with a reflective

Expected Class Content

Workshops / Discussion groups / lectures/assessment – 40 hrs
Clinical Practice – min 36hrs
Visits and Private study – 44hrs
You will need this private study time for reading, learning factual knowledge
about treatments through online research and visiting the library to do literature
searches. This will enable your writing and referencing in your reflective diary as
well as your final assessment.


Successful completion of all components is required. Components 2 to 4 must
be passed to complete the course. A resit option is available for any component
that is not initially passed, limited to one attempt.
Reflective Diary: This ongoing document, produced by the student throughout
the course, is validated by both the student and mentor. While not directly
marked, its completion is integral to your portfolio of evidence.
Clinical Outcomes: These must be validated and passed by your mentor, with all
outcomes achieved, along with a log of clinical hours.
VIVA: A minimum pass mark of 50% is required.
Test of Knowledge: A minimum pass mark of 50% is necessary (conducted at the
end of the initial study days)


27th September 2024


Mercure Thame Lambert Hotel
London Road
Aston Rowant, OX49 5SQ United Kingdom
+ Google Map

6 month training course is Asthma/COPD.

This course is a collaborative provision between your employer and BBO
Training Ltd. It provides a comprehensive preparation for the experienced
Health Care professional working in the primary care type setting to provide a
competent and holistic approach to patients with Respiratory Disease. It has been well evaluated by
HCPs even when they already have a Diploma in either of the areas.

Overall aim of Course

To equip qualified Health Care Professionals with the knowledge and skills to
deliver both an asthma and COPD service in conjunction with their medical
colleagues in the Community setting. To help them raise the awareness of these
disease areas within that setting and work safely with PGDs and protocols as
appropriate. To prepare them clinically and theoretically to be able to run review
and diagnostic clinics within their own competency framework. To clearly
recognise the differences of these two long term conditions.

Course philosophy

The course team believes that health workers should take an active role in
promoting health and meeting the particular needs of patients who attend for
asthma and COPD review or diagnosis within the Primary health care setting. To
enable this, health workers become a resource and provide opportunities for
patients to be confident in managing their own condition.

Overview of the Course

The course is accredited by The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) as a Short
Professional Course, together with its Log-Book.
It equates to approximately 120 hours of study and clinical practice.
There are taught sessions of 5 days divided into 1-2 days a week over the initial 3
months with a final day at during the 4th month.
You (the student) are expected to complete clinical hours under the supervision
of an approved mentor following the ( 2nd (Asthma) and 3rd (COPD) study days.
This will usually be in your own clinical/practice area and this ongoing clinical
practice is observed and validated by the mentor during the course.
A final clinical/theory assessment follows approximately 6 months from start.
This final assessment is in the form of an OSCE/VIVA and test of knowledge.
All these components will prepare you well for continuing your professional
development in this area of care.

Student support

The support offered to you on this course is very multifaceted and you need to
take advantage of all aspects.
Lecturer support is available both by email and telephone. Please do not
hesitate to contact us if you need help, have any concerns or just want to
chat about the course.
Within Practice you should have the support of your management to
complete the course and any problems here need to be addressed as soon as
possible to Frankie Brown or Paula Matson . Within Practice your mentor will
need to be available, both to arrange Asthma/COPD sessions if appropriate
and to mentor you in your own environ. The mentor will also need to arrange
clinical meetings with you and any other concerned person (ie GP or other
health professionals supporting you). If you have to arrange mentorship
outside your own practice then you will be responsible for any cost incurred.

Placement requirements

It is important that as a student choosing your mentor, you need to bear in mind
whether the placement area you have chosen can give you the width and depth
of experience you need. Sometimes using a second mentor in your own or
another setting can be useful.
Please check that the teaching team approves your mentor/placement before
making final arrangements.

Mentor Criteria

The mentors for the course will need to have a minimum of both Asthma/COPD
experience following an approved course. They will therefore have a good
knowledge of what is expected during your training. In many training centres the
medical practitioners will also play an active part in your mentorship, enabling a
team approach to care. Mentors should also have teaching or mentorship
Your mentor will have the opportunity to attend an update in the subject area
and a virtual course instruction session in the early stages of the theory element
if they so need or desire.
You will be responsible with your primary mentor for organising and validating
your clinical contacts, both mentored and alone. At the time of your final
assessment these forms should have been completed and be ready to hand in
together with both your and mentors evaluations. A log of all clinical hours and
contacts is also required (minimum 36hrs)

Teaching and Learning Experience

Students completing this course will be given an opportunity to: –
Attend and participate in sessions including workshops, simulations,
discussions, seminars and tutorials. (Either virtual or face2face)

Experience Asthma and COPD practice provided in own local settings;
Through clinical practice, students will continue to develop knowledge and
skills on all treatments: their composition, efficacy, indications,
contraindications and modes of action.
They will gain advisory skills within the wider arena of respiratory care
Attend sessions for clinical practice.
Complete a minimum of 36hrs of documented clinical practice, supervised
where appropriate.
Keep an ongoing log of clinical practice and hours together with a reflective

Expected Class Content

Workshops / Discussion groups / lectures/assessment – 40 hrs
Clinical Practice – min 36hrs
Visits and Private study – 44hrs
You will need this private study time for reading, learning factual knowledge
about treatments through online research and visiting the library to do literature
searches. This will enable your writing and referencing in your reflective diary as
well as your final assessment.


Successful completion of all components is required. Components 2 to 4 must
be passed to complete the course. A resit option is available for any component
that is not initially passed, limited to one attempt.
Reflective Diary: This ongoing document, produced by the student throughout
the course, is validated by both the student and mentor. While not directly
marked, its completion is integral to your portfolio of evidence.
Clinical Outcomes: These must be validated and passed by your mentor, with all
outcomes achieved, along with a log of clinical hours.
VIVA: A minimum pass mark of 50% is required.
Test of Knowledge: A minimum pass mark of 50% is necessary (conducted at the
end of the initial study days)


27th September 2024


Mercure Thame Lambert Hotel
London Road
Aston Rowant, OX49 5SQ United Kingdom
+ Google Map
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