RCN Accredited – Theory and Practice of Minor Illness Management in Primary Care course (6 month course)

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RCN Accredited – Theory and Practice of Minor Illness Management in Primary Care course (6 month course)

16th May 2024 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


The Theory and Practice of Minor Illness Management in Primary Care course welcomes Nurse’s, ANP’s, Paramedics, ACP’s, AHP’s, Physician Associates, pharmacists and physios working in Primary Care or Urgent Care Hubs. Practitioners starting out in Primary Care or changing career pathway are also encouraged to apply.

The next course starts May 16th 2024.

The course is broken up into study days throughout the 6-months, allowing for continual support and learning throughout the course.

Day 1 – 16/5/24. online – covers course introduction, history taking, Consultation skills, and an introduction to the sick and acutely sick child.

Day 2 – 23/5/24. F2F – covers ENT and Lymph presentations. The day also covers rashes and skin issues seen in Primary Care.

Day 3 – 10/7/24. F2F – looks at Respiratory presentations and examination skills, Sepsis and Fever in the under 5’s. Headaches and neurological examination.

Day 4 -27/8/24.  F2F – Covers Gastrointestinal presentations and abdominal examination skills. Urinary Tract Infections, vaginal and anal presentations. Management of Back pain in Primary Care.

Day 5 – 2/10/24. Online – Adhoc minor illness presentations such as bites, Acne and Eye presentations. Exam and OSCE Preparation.

Day 6 – 6/11/24. F2F – Exam and OSCE day, consisting of a 30 minute OSCE and one hour short answer written paper.

Places are limited on this course to ensure a high quality learning environment. Book Early to secure a place.

Practice support and a mentor will be needed through the course. This is a popular course, designed to be practical and hands on to enable practitioners to run and work in Minor Illness clinics. The RCN describe it as a Professional course it is not designed to be an academic course, and as such does not require a level of academic writing to complete.


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