CYP Training

Safeguarding Children and Young People programme- Safeguarding Children Level 1All health professionals have a key role to play in safeguarding children and young people. Section 11 of the Children Act places a statutory duty on key people and bodies to make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of those they come into contact with.
These e-learning sessions offer a clear and effective solution to achieve this aim and meet the National Workforce Competences. NOTE: Safeguarding Children Level 1 is for non-clinical staff working in health care settings. Other 2 levels are for clinical staff only.
Adolescent Health ProgrammeThe Adolescent Health Programme (AHP) is an e-learning programme for all healthcare professionals working with young people. It aims to ensure that all health professionals have essential youth communication skills and understand young people’s rights to consent and confidentiality. It has 13 modules covering topics like
• Introduction: Health and Illness in Adolescence
• Healthy Development
• Communication and Consultation with Young People
• Young People Friendly Services
• Self-Harm and Common Mental Problems
• Long-term Conditions and Transitional Care
Breaking Down the Barriers- Training Package 4 and 5The Breaking Down the Barriers training programme is a collection of downloadable resources, designed to support face-to-face training.
Training Package 4- Child & adolescent mental health awareness training for GP Practices
Module 1: Whole GP practice mental health awareness training
Module 2: Self Harm awareness in children and adolescents
Module 3: Eating Disorders awareness in children and adolescents
Training Package 5: Child and adolescent learning disabilities awareness training for GP Practices
Module 1: Learning disabilities awareness in children and adolescents
Child Sexual Abuse Awareness programmeThis e-learning course covers the following topics:
• Basic awareness and prevalence of child abuse and exploitation
• Noticing the tell-tale signs of abuse, in all its forms
• Understanding what it’s like to be an abused young person with ‘something to tell’
• Ensuring abused young people are both seen and heard
• Understanding why and when children disclose abuse
• Helping create an environment that supports disclosure
• Knowing what to do after a young person discloses
Children’s emotional and additional health needs (module 2)Covering an introduction to children’s emotional and wellbeing needs, including
• Emotional health and wellbeing
• Risk factors and early warning signs
• Mental health and mental illness in children
Children’s Oral Health programmeThis e-learning programme provides information and advice about children’s oral health. It covers the main causes of tooth decay and simple actions that can be taken to prevent the problem. It also explains when a child’s primary (baby) and adult (permanent) teeth start to appear, and what you should do if a tooth is knocked out. By the end of the session users will have developed their knowledge of oral health and be more confident in providing children’s oral health advice.
Child Sexual Exploitation programmeThe Child Sexual Exploitation e-learning resource and training film below have been developed to help health services staff to understand and help children and young people who are at risk or who may be affected by child sexual exploitation.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) programmeThis e-training frontline healthcare professionals to recognise and support women and girls who may have undergone FGM. the material deals with the issues posed by FGM at all stages of a girl or woman’s life.
Healthy Child Programme- Pregnancy and first five years programmeThe HCP e-learning programme supports the implementation of the Healthy Child Programme – Pregnancy and the first five years of life framework and covers a range of topics related to child health and health promotion. It has 12 learning modules and covers topics
• Healthy Child Programme Basics
• Positive Parenting & Parenting Issues
• Speech Language and Communication Needs
• Immunisation
• Screening
• Early Developmental Support
Healthy School Child Programme- 5-12 years oldThe Healthy School Child Programme (HSC) is an e-learning programme for all healthcare professionals working with children aged 5-12 years. by topic into 7 learning modules.
• Introduction to 21st Century School Health Key
• Child Public Health and Mental Health Issues for 5-12 years
• The Child with Additional Needs
• The Child with Additional Needs – Long-standing Illness or Disability
• Common Developmental and Health Issues in School Children 5-12
We can talkWe Can Talk is led by Healthy Teen Minds with support from the Child Outcomes Research Consortium (CORC). Workforce Transformation and Education funded We Can Talk to coproduce (with hospital staff, mental health experts and young people) an education framework for hospital staff in children and young people’s mental health and a one-day training day linked to the competencies, which is co-delivered by young people with experience of presenting to hospital due to their mental health.
e-Bug Health Educator TrainingImprove ability to teach children and young people how to prevent the spread of infection and to use antibiotics responsibly.
glosfamilies directoryglosfamilies directory is a local resource with Information for Families around – Relationship Support for Parents / Family Support / Advice and Early Help Services / Childcare / Education / Young People and Things to do. For those working with families it can also offer – Funding & Support to help meet the needs of children and families / Resources for working with children and families / Local and National Guidance to support your work / Training and Support for Practitioners and Information for Childcare Providers
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