How to Become a Training Practice or Supervisor

How to become a Training Practice

There are a number of steps to becoming a Training Practice, including seeking GMC approval. Further information can be found on the Severn Deanery Site

How to become a Supervisor

There are 2 types of supervisor –

Clinical supervisor (CS) – can supervise FY2’s, ST1 & 2’s and must attend a 2 day Clinical Supervision Course.

Educational supervisor (ES) – provide support for an allocated trainee throughout their training, completing assessments every 6 months and also provide their ST3 year placement. ES’s can also supervise FY2s, ST1 & 2s  and must attend the full 4 days of the supervisors course.

In order to be a trainer (ES or CS,) GP’s need to have held CCT for at least 3 years and have worked in the practice for at least a year. In addition ES’s need to have MRCGP.

There are a number of steps to becoming a supervisor

  1. Interested parties should first attend the Prospective Supervisors course which Jackie Pullin, in the central deanery team organises and can be contacted at:
  2. Once individuals have attended the course, one/two of the local GP education team will then visit to review training provision plans in detail. The application forms (found on the trainer faculty page) need to be submitted to in advance of the visit and Lindsey can provide further details about how this works. Visits are usually arranged a couple of months in advance.
  3. Once application forms have been completed they’re then submitted to Jackie, so that individuals and the practice can be formally approved for training.
  4. Once this process has been completed the practice and the supervisors can be allocated GP trainees and/or foundations Doctors. Allocations are usually made 4 months in advance of the 2 main intakes in February and August, although there are often trainees out of synch who need to be allocated at different times.

Further information can be found on the Deanery Website pages for Educational and Clinical Supervisors.

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