First steps into Leadership Programme 2023

Starting on Thursday 8th June 2023, 13:00-15:00

Delivered by the Gloucestershire Primary Care Training Hub and Living Potential Consulting, via Zoom.

Programme Overview

Our First Steps Into Leadership programme has been designed to provide you with the opportunity to understand how your role maybe changing within the current landscape and to start to recognise some of your own leadership strengths.

Through peer discussions you will be able to start think about your career aspirations and the steps you can take to support you along the way.

Benefits of the Programme

The purpose of this programme is to offer practical and timely leadership development support to primary care clinicians who are challenged to manage the workload resulting from pandemic-related delays to care. It is an accessible development programme that enables participants to network with a peer community to:

  1. Understand the changing landscape of primary care
  2. See themselves as leaders who help shape and inform patient care
  3. Managing workload and time management
  4. Whilst influencing for career development

Target Audience

The programme is open to Primary Care staff, including:

  • General Practice Nurses
  • Nursing Associates
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Clinical Pharmacists
  • Health and wellbeing coaches
  • Care Coordinators
  • Senior admin staff
  • Social Prescribers 

The above is not an exhaustive list and we are happy to consider applicants in other roles who feel they will benefit from this course.

Programme Structure

There will be a series of six, short, on-line, lunch-time development modules that will commence on Thursday 8th June, 13:00-15:00 and will provide time between sessions for your to reflect on learnings and think about your own next steps. The modules will be covering:

OneYour primary care world as your oyster Understanding the changing world of primary care and your like and different roles in GloucestershireWhere primary care sits in the policy landscapeWhat this means for youThursday 8th June 2023, 13:00-15:00
TwoSeeing yourself as a leader Understanding leadership and how you’re already demonstrating itRecognising your strengths and planning how to make full use of themTuesday 18th July 2023, 13:00-15:00
ThreeManaging a heavy workload and staying well Acknowledging the realities of your workload and its impactTechniques for navigating multiple pressures and maintaining well-beingWednesday 27th September 2023, 13:00-15:00
FourDeveloping your career (I): growing your network Your career ambitionsIdentifying, developing and using your networkTuesday 10th October 2023, 13:00-15:00
FiveDeveloping your career (II): influential conversations Preparing for and managing those critical conversations (for example, business plans) that shape your career opportunities.Wednesday 1st November 2023, 13:00-15:00
SixNext steps Celebrating the impact of the programme and planning ahead.Wednesday 6th December 2023, 13:00-15:00

Programme Facilitator – Louisa Hardman

Louisa is a respected coach, consultant and facilitator, working with international clients in Higher Education and other sectors to achieve real learning and change. Louisa is committed to supporting the development of human potential and inclusive cultures, Louisa became a freelance consultant in 1996, running an independent practice and collaborating with People Opportunities, the NHS Leadership Academy, AdvanceHE, the Kings Fund and Ashridge Hult.

Distinctive approach

Louisa brings a deep understanding of individual, group and organisational change and development through her combination of psychotherapeutic and organisational consulting practice.  Clients also say they value her integrity, thoughtfulness, humour and challenge.

Professional interests and sector experience

She is passionate about developing creative and engaging learning experiences that develop talent and impact.  Blending organisational realism with creativity and psychological insight, her clients span a range of sectors including higher education, health, central and local government, broadcasting, publishing, professional services, transport, social housing, retail, distribution, finance, membership organisations, trades unions and the police. A values-based practitioner, Louisa has particular experience of facilitating leadership development through change and special interests in:

  • Supporting culture change through team and leadership development
  • Coaching individuals through role and system transitions to support new ways of working

How to Register

Participants are encouraged to commit to attending all 6 sessions, although extenuating circumstances are understandable. To register your interest please complete the below form.

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