Gloucestershire’s Annual Locum Event 2024 – Evaluation Feedback

Many thanks for attending this year’s Locum Event. We would be very grateful if you would take the time to complete the below evaluation form. Your feedback is invaluable to us in shaping future events.

Locum Event 2024 Evaluation

1. How would you describe the venue, content and the facilities of the event today?(Required)

2. How would you rate the BLS/ AED training?(Required)

3. How would you rate the CPG Updates?(Required)

4. How would you rate the LMC update?(Required)

5. How would you rate the NASGP Update?(Required)

6. How would you rate the Menopause & HRT update?(Required)

7. How would you rate the Feedback from the Sessional GP Conference?(Required)

8. How would you rate the G-care & Improving the interface between Primary & Secondary Care Update?(Required)

9. How would you rate the ALS update?(Required)
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