Early Career GPs

There are varied and exciting opportunities, schemes, and support programmes for early Career GPs, with new schemes and roles opening up. Some of these are detailed below.

Please also take a look at the GP Career Roadmap for support at every stage of your journey: Resources for General Practitioners – Gloucestershire Primary Care Workforce Centre (glosprimarycare.co.uk).

RCGP First5 programme

The RCGP runs a support and networking programme for newly qualified GPs. They have events, networks, and CPD at a local and national level. Click Here > for more info. 

Spark GP Scheme

Spark GP is the Gloucestershire version of the NHSE GP fellowship scheme. This is available to all newly qualified GPs within 12 months of qualifying (CCT date). This can be extended to 18 months where there are extenuating circumstances. The scheme offers mentoring, coaching, peer support, educational events and a chance for a CPD funded project. Click below to find out more.

Appraisal/ Revalidation

GPs at all stages can worry about appraisal. If possible this should, as well as being part of the revalidation process, be an opportunity for you to review your year and then looking forward formulate on your own learning needs. Have a look at our Appraisal and Revalidation page for support and more information.

A tip for reflection can be to think about each learning event in terms of “What happened , so what does it matter and what now”

You are not a frog podcasts

These free to access podcasts can be a great source of support to reduce stress levels and thrive in a busy job.

Podcasts – You are not a frog

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