GP Support

GP Support

Welcome to the GP Support page. Here you will find links to support services and resources for GPs. Please feel free to contact us if you know of a service you feel should be listed.

Working in the Health Sector can be an incredibly rewarding job; but we all know that sometimes, the fast paced environment, workloads and pressure that make it exciting can take it’s toll. Everyone can need some extra support or a place to turn to from time to time; whether it’s career advice or a more difficult subject, a signpost or a friendly ear can go a long way to solving the problem.

There are lots of places you can access support and advice; but when you are feeling under pressure they can be hard to find. To make things a bit easier we have listed some resources that may be helpful. We also have a page dedicated to Health and Wellbeing, which can be accessed here.

Practitioner Health Service

Practitioner Health is a free, confidential NHS mental health treatment service with expertise in treating healthcare professionals. The service can help with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. They also see healthcare professionals with more severe illnesses, such as bipolar affective disorder, personality disorders and psychosis and a range of addiction issues.

Complete a form on line via; there is a section ‘to access our service.’ You will receive a response within 2 days on receipt of the registration form. You will then be assessed by a clinician who will establish the best and quickest way to offer support.


(T) +44 (0) 300 030 3300


If you are in crisis and feeling unable to cope, text NHSPH to 85258

Gloucestershire Primary Care Training Hub support

Please do get in touch if you are ever unsure where to turn, we will usually know someone who can help. In addition, we can offer a confidential 1:1 conversation with a dedicated GP support lead. Further info below.

GP support lead– confidential 1:1 peer support with an experienced Gloucester GP, qualified coach and mentor, providing a safe space to discuss any concerns or provide support in any difficulty including burnout, confidence issues, career transition or adverse experiences in practice at any career stage. Also, peer support for GP returners after a career break for any reason, transition to working in UK from overseas, change in career role or employment status, and returning to work from maternity leave or any extended period of leave for any reason.


The Heales Medical Group

An occupational health service is available to NHS GPs and dentists working across the South of England. The Heales Medical Group, an established provider of occupational health services began delivering the new service on 1 April 2017, following a procurement across the region.

You can also contact the new SHOUT text support helpline – access their confidential 24/7 crisis support service Here >

Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.

A GP support pack for GPs living and working in Gloucestershire developed in partnership with NHSE can be found at the link below.

The Wellbeing Line

Unlocking confidential mental health and wellbeing support for anyone working in health and social care in Gloucestershire.

Call 0300 421 7500, our phone lines are open Monday-Thursday, 9am-4:30pm and Friday from 9am-12pm

BMA Wellbeing Services

BMA wellbeing services

The BMA’s wellbeing services include a range of free and confidential services and information to help support doctors and medical students:

  • Confidential 24/7 counselling line, and Peer support service for all doctors and medical students on 0330 123 1245
  • BMA members, plus their partners and dependents, can also access a free structured course of up to six sessions of therapy with a counsellor
  • A UK wellbeing support directory detailing various support services by geographical availability on their sources of support page

For further information visit:

BMA legal support

The BMA also has a legal arm that can provide legal support in a personal or professional capacity.

Click Here > to visit the BMA Law page

BMA Charities -Financial support

The BMA has 2 charity funds that help Doctors and Medical Students and their dependants in financial difficulties. You DO NOT need to be a BMA member to apply to these funds for help.

Click Here > to visit the BMA Charities page.

Gloucestershire LMC

Your Local Medical Council in Gloucestershire provides GP support services on a variety of areas. The LMC also has a safehouse available for confidential personal support.

Click Here > to go to the Gloucestershire LMC GP Support page.

Other support services

Medical Protection Counselling Service

Medical Protection offers counselling to any of its members experiencing work-related stress, or stress that they feel could impact their practice. This telephone counselling provides access to support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and face-to-face counselling sessions can be arranged near to you and at your convenience, all funded by Medical Protection.

The service is entirely independent and confidential.

For further information, including how to make contact please click here.


DocHealth offers psychotherapy: a confidential, psychotherapeutic consultation service for all doctors. All DocHealth consultations are currently taking place remotely by video.  DocHealth helps doctors to explore their difficulties, both professional and personal, through consultant psychiatrists in medical psychotherapy who have the collective experience of treating over 3000 doctors in the last 20 years. It aims to facilitate greater understanding by the doctor of his or her presenting difficulties, thus enabling them to regain greater control of their situation.

Fees are based on a sliding scale relating to your grade and circumstances. Provided in partnership with the BMA and RMBF.

Phone: 020 7383 6533

The administrator’s normal working hours are Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 12.30pm.


Website: Please click here.

Zero Suicide Alliance

The Zero Suicide Alliance is a collaborative of National Health Service trusts, businesses and individuals who are all committed to suicide prevention in the UK and beyond. The alliance is ultimately concerned with improving support for people contemplating suicide by raising awareness of and promoting FREE suicide prevention training which is accessible to all. The aims of this training are to: enable people to identify when someone is presenting with suicidal thoughts/behaviour, to be able to speak out in a supportive manner, and to empower them to signpost the individual to the correct services or support.

To access their services and FREE training Click Here >

If a complaint is made against you to the GMC

BMA Doctor Support Service

All doctors facing GMC investigations or licence withdrawal have access to this confidential, emotional support service from the BMA.

Where a complaint has been made to the GMC any doctor can ask for support from the Doctor Support Service. The service offers six hours of telephone support from the time a complaint is received by the GMC until the matter is concluded. Or from the time you receive notification from the GMC that your licence to practise is at risk.

Face to face support is also available, subject to availability of supporters, on the first day of a hearing and one further day if the hearing runs for more than a day.

Call 020 7383 6707


Office open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Please also contact the LMC who can help in this circumstance, or if a referral is made to the Performance Advisory Group (PAG).

Addiction support

Practitioner Health Service

Practitioner Health also has expertise in treating healthcare professionals with a range of addiction issues. See contact details above.

The Sick Doctors’ Trust

The trust offers support and help for doctors, dentists and medical students who are concerned about their use of drugs and alcohol.

Call on 0370 444 5163. Their confidential helpline is available 24 hours/day and they are happy to deal with anonymous enquiries.

Struggling to deal with everything that has happened as a result of the pandemic

Just B

JustB offers support for frontline staff in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Emotional wellbeing, bereavement and trauma support with specially trained staff, seven days a week, 8am to 8pm. 

Available for all NHS, care sector staff and emergency services workers.

How to I contact them?

Hospice UK | What we offer | Our Frontline

Telephone: 0300 303 4434

(The service is responsive to faith, individuality, culture and community, including providing a Tagalog speaking therapist service to support the large numbers of NHS and social care staff from the Philippines. The number for the Tagalog line is 0300 301 1115)


The Royal College of GPs has a dedicated page of links , networks, advice and self help.

Click Here > for the RCGP list of ‘Where to get help‘ page with direct links to organisations that can help GPs with a full range of issues , personal and professional.

NHS England – Workforce Training and Education (WT&E)

WT&E has several pages dedicated to ‘Learner’ Health & well-being (not just for students, WT&E sees us all as Learners!)

The MIND page has a number of services, resources and networks you can access as part of the NHS and as a Student.

Click Here > to go to the WT&E Mind page.

Examples of the services available are:

  • PSU (Professional Support Unit) Careers unit
  • Ill health at work
  • Return to work
  • ​2016 junior doctor’s contract
  • Financial guidance on tax, subscription exemptions and hardship resources
  • ​Parental leave
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Medical care and support
  • NHS England LGBT+ staff network
  • NHS England Black and Minority Ethnic Staff network
  • NHS England Disability and Wellbeing staff network
  • Carer support

It also has access to programmes and support for Trainees.

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