Welcome to our dedicated page for Health and Wellbeing. This page is aimed at Gloucestershire’s GP Practice Health and Wellbeing Champions and all seeking to look after their own, and others, Health and Wellbeing. This page is designed to provide you with an overview of resources available to help support Health and Wellbeing:
- Important Contact Information
- NHS Health and Wellbeing Calendar – including links to Wellbeing Themes throughout the year.
- Newsletters to keep updated on latest news/information – ensuring updated on any new changes.
- Links to upcoming Webinars
- Various resources to sign post to surrounding Mental/Physical Wellbeing etc.
*Please note although this page has been aimed towards supporting Health and Wellbeing Champions, the resources included are accessible/relevant for everyone*
Is there a topic missing from this page that you would like to see covered? Are you aware of a Health and Wellbeing Resource that would benefit colleagues working in General Practice, which you can’t see listed? If so, we would love to hear from you, please contact us at – glicb.pcwc@nhs.net
Workplace Wellbeing Champion Support and Signposting
The NHS Health and Wellbeing Calendar
The NHS HEALTH AND WELLBEING CALENDAR will support a planned approach throughout the year to your wellbeing programme and provides links to wellbeing themes throughout the year. To access the Calendar please click here.
The Healthy Workplaces Gloucestershire Award
The HEALTHY WORKPLACES GLOUCESTERSHIRE AWARD provides and framework and structure to your wellbeing initiatives. For more information please click here.
Support specifically for NHS Employees – Our People
NHS England » Wellbeing conversations
Having safe and effective wellbeing Conversations – NHS England guidance and support for line managers, and those holding wellbeing conversations.
SHOUT text service – (formerly known as FRONTLINE) – confidential, text support service. If you need someone to talk to, NHS employees can access support by texting.
The staff support text service known as ‘FRONTLINE’ is now accessed using the word SHOUT. If you need someone to talk to, you can access support by texting SHOUT to 85258 for support 24/7. This service is available to all our NHS colleagues who have had a tough day, who are feeling worried or overwhelmed, or who have a lot on their mind and need to talk it through. Mental Health Innovations (MHI) continue to provide the service.
E-learning Module to upskill you in handling difficult situations with compassion
The training, which is aimed at frontline, patient facing colleagues, can be accessed by those working across all sectors of the NHS – including primary care, community services and secondary care. It aims to introduce attendees to the skills and techniques that can be used to handle difficult situations, whilst maintaining a focus on how to keep yourself safe and well if you feel affected by a situation. Please click here to access.
Extension of free access to the Headspace app
Our NHS colleagues can now access the Headspace app and all their wellbeing resources for free for a further three months through to 31 March 2025. For those who haven’t yet signed up, you can sign up using your NHS email account here: NHS England » Headspace
Extension of free access to the Unmind app
Our NHS colleagues can now access the Unmind app and all their wellbeing resources for free for a further twelve months through to 31 December 2025. For those who haven’t yet signed up, you can sign up using your NHS email account here: NHS England » Unmind
Extension of WorkLife Central Access
Offering expertise centered on supporting individuals to balance work with home life. This offer has been extended until 31st March 2025, providing NHS Employees with free access to their resources and support. For full details on how to register with your NHS email, please click here.
NHSE support for colleagues experiencing, or witness to, sexual misconduct
NHS England » Supporting colleagues affected by sexual misconduct
Resources provided include guidance should you need to report any incidents plus relevant organisations available if you are, affected by sexual misconduct, harassment, abuse, or violence.
Webinars for Wellbeing Champions
Please click on the link below to see details and register. Further webinars will be added when details are known.
Date and time | Theme |
Thursday 27 February 2025, 12.00pm-1.00pm | Nutrition and hydration |
Mental Wellbeing
The Wellbeing Line
The Wellbeing Line provides support for anyone working in Health and Social Care in Gloucestershire. Health and wellbeing champions are very welcome to signpost colleagues as necessary.
The Wellbeing Line – Unlocking confidential mental health and wellbeing support for everyone working or volunteering in health and social care in Gloucestershire.
The Wellbeing Line – Welcome Pack – To access please click here.
Contact Details
Call 0300 421 7500, our phone lines are open Monday-Thursday, 9am-4:30pm and Friday from 9am-12pm www.thewellbeingline.co.uk
The Wellbeing Line – Monthly Bulletins
To access the latest issues of the Wellbeing Lines Monthly Bulletins, including various useful resources please click here.
The Wellbeing Line – Thriving in General Practice Workshop
For further information regarding a free, whole practice empowering workshop, please click here.
General Resources
Bullying at Work
To access information regarding “How to identify if you’re being bullied at work, how to stop it, and advice on getting support“, please click here.
Mind – Wellbeing Action Plans
Mind – Wellbeing Action Plans (WAP’s) – Wellness Actions Plans are an easy, practical way of helping you support your own mental health at work as well as supporting the mental health of your team members and colleagues.
Anyone can complete a Wellness Action Plan. You don’t need to have a mental health problem to feel the benefits. Having a plan just means that you have some practical steps in place to make sure you’re supported when you aren’t feeling great. For further information please click here.
Living life to the full
Living life to the full provide free online courses which cover a variety of different topics including Stress and Anxiety. To access the Living life to the full website please click here.
NHS e-learning for health – Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation programme
For full information regarding the Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation programme, please click here.
Suicide Prevention
National support – https://www.nsphuk.org/
Local Support – https://www.sunflowerssuicidesupport.org.uk/ and http://www.suicidecrisis.co.uk/
Concerned about Gambling ?
South West Gambling Service – Gambling can affect anyone, but did you know the South West Gambling Service launched in autumn 2023. NHS England are keen to highlight the offer which is available across the South West region, to support individuals over 18, who are also registered with a GP in the South West, who have a primary gambling difficulty and would like support to stop gambling . For more details about the service please click here.
“Ara” offer and deliver – “Free, Confidential, Non-Judgemental Gambling Help” across Wales and the South West. For more details please access their website here.
Family Support
The Glosfamilies online directory brings together information, services, resources, and things to do in Gloucestershire. The directory depicts that “If you are a young person aged 0 – 19 years (or up to 25 with SEND), a parent, prospective parent, carer, or you work with children and families then read on to see what Gloucestershire has to offer you!”.
To access the directory, please click here.
Childcare Support
The Childcare Choices HM Government website, provides information to help identify options available to you to save money on childcare. To access the website, please click here.
Carers Support
The Gloucestershire Carers Hub offers free information and advice to support Carers to access the Hub please click here.
Domestic Abuse
The Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) ‘ is a county-wide service designed to reduce the level of domestic abuse and improve the safety of victims and their families’. – https://www.gdass.org.uk/
Financial Support
NHS England provide this webpage, to assist with making money go further, especially important with rising costs of food, mortgage/rent and utilities;
NHS England » Supporting our staff to help money go further
NHS England and NHS Gloucestershire ICB does not promote, or endorse, the use of the organisations, companies and resources mentioned and they may amend or update this information at any time. However, it does provide a comprehensive array of the financial support available to NHS colleagues.
Every Mind Matters
Every Mind Matters is an NHS Site with various different resources such as self-help CBT Techniques and information surrounding insomnia, anxiety and stress.
To access Every Mind Matters, please click here.
Support for our armed forces personnel
Support for the veteran community and their families who work in the NHS. For further information, please click here.
Gloucestershire LMC
Your Local Medical Council in Gloucestershire provides GP support services on a variety of areas. The LMC also has a safehouse available for confidential personal support.
Click Here > to go to the Gloucestershire LMC GP Support page.
Physical Wellbeing
Musculoskeletal Support and Resources
GetUBetter App – Providing 24/7 support for all Musculoskeletal injuries/conditions that can be accessed accessed via a referral from a patients GP or clinician. For full information please click here.
Fast Track Physiotherapy – To access a self referral form specifically for Patients living in Gloucestershire please click here.
Health and Hustle
Health and Hustle provides opportunity for Patients and NHS Healthcare Staff working in Gloucestershire to come together and walk, talk and run. Health and Hustle aims to create a ‘supportive community for people of all ages and backgrounds’ whilst also highlighting the benefits of Physical Activity. For full information please click here. There is also a Facebook Group you can join that can be accessed here.
Gloucestershire Healthy Lifestyle Service
Gloucestershire Healthy Lifestyles offers support in a variety of areas including:
- Stopping Smoking
- Managing weight
- Becoming more Active
- Drinking less
- Pregnancy
To access the Gloucestershire Healthy Lifestyle service please click here.
NHS Couch to 5k
The Couch to 5k Programme is designed to help those looking to get into running achieve running a 5k in 9 weeks. For full information please click here.
Walking Groups
For information on different walking groups to join within Gloucestershire, please click here.
Weight management, eating well and cancer research recommendations
Manage my weight – Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire
For support on how to manage weight please click here.
NHS Eatwell
For ‘information and guidance about eating a healthy, balanced diet’, please click here.
World Cancer Research UK
World Cancer Research UK have put together a list of their Cancer prevention recommendations, which can be accessed here.
Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco
‘Good things happen when you stop smoking’
For more information on this NHS national campaign click here Quit smoking this January – Better Health – NHS (www.nhs.uk) including:
- Vaping Myths and Facts & find your local stop smoking service
- NHS Quit Smoking App
- Advice on losing weight, getting active and drinking less available too!
Give up smoking and reduce Alcohol Intake – Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire
For support on how to give up smoking and reduce your alcohol intake please click here.
Advice for families of Drug users
To access advice for families of Drug users including useful contact details please click here.
Alcohol Facts
To access informative alcohol statistics please click here.