Free Online Learning Opportunity from Marie Curie

Marie Curie believe everyone should get to lead the best life they can, right to the end. The UK’s leading end of life charity, providing frontline nursing and hospice care, a free support line and a wealth of information and support on all aspects of dying, death and bereavement.  They also facilitate free, interactive online learning ‘ECHO’ networks for health and social care professionals who deliver end of life care to share knowledge on relevant topics, bringing together communities of practice with a shared goal.

To find out more, with details on how to register to these and other networks please click: here

Please see below for brief details of sessions on offer:

ECHO NetworkDateSession topic
      Substance Misuse and Palliative Care This Network is designed to explore best practices, and increase knowledge and understanding of the complexities when supporting individuals who may be misusing substances or those with a history of misuse. We also hope to create and grow Communities of Practice to support future collaborations and initiatives.  25/01/2024 10.30 – 12.00Addiction Exploring addiction, prejudice, stigma, the risks and impacts it has on individuals and wider networks.
22/02/2024 10.30 – 12.00Assessment of needs How to approach potential substance misuse, how to assess palliative care needs on a background of substance misuse.
28/03/2024 10.30 – 12.00Person-Centred Care Exploring topics such as personality disorders, housing, safeguarding and networks for support.
25/04/2024 10.30 – 12.00Trauma Informed Care Looking into how we can be more trauma informed in the support we provide.
23/05/2024 10.30 – 12.00Opiate Substitution in Palliative Care Practical support regarding management of opiate substitution when the person is experiencing deteriorating or advanced ill health with unmet palliative care needs.
27/06/2024 10.30 – 12.00Symptom Management Exploring the complexities and difficulties when supporting and prescribing medication to someone who may be currently misusing substances or be in recovery.
 25/07/2024 10.30 -12.00Collaborative Working How can we foster good relationships between addiction and other specialist services with palliative care services to offer high quality person-centred palliative care.
ECHO NetworkDateSession topic
      Homelessness and Palliative Care This network is to establish a community of practice passionate about improving care and support for people experiencing homelessness with advanced ill health or who may benefit from palliative care support.            Second Tuesday of each month, starting January 2024   14.00 – 15.00Legal rights and advocacy May include topics such as, care act assessments, capacity assessments, supporting people with no recourse to public funds.
Trauma informed; person centred care May include topics such as, psychological support, trauma informed approaches to care and supporting people who are neurodiverse or frail.
Issues specific to palliative care May include palliative care interventions for reversible conditions where people are dying, discharge from hospice, increasing access to palliative care and bereavement support.
System issues May include exploring pathways into palliative care,  measuring “success” and improving access to accommodation when out of area.
Substance use at end of life May include practical support, pain management and options available.
Prejudice and stigma May include how to advocate for access to services, communicating with other services and supporting people in the emergency department.
 Advance care planning May include exploring the impact of uncertainty, what type of language to use and legacy making.
  Working together May include topics such as, how to promote collaboration between services for access and advocacy, fatality reviews, best practice from across the UK, supporting each other.
ECHO NetworkDateSession topic
      Dying in Debt- financial insecurities at end of life Developing a community of practice to support health, social care staff and patient facing clinical volunteers to recognise, discuss and support anyone impacted by fuel and socioeconomic poverty at end of life.      23/01/24
Improving communication: talking to patients and carers about finances and insecurities
Assessing financial risk: help to recognise and how to complete paperwork  
Practical advice and support: benefits, debt, accessing support
Fuel poverty: what help is their available what are the GDN doing to help
Planning for death: communication with providers, wills and wishes
Tenancy concerns: what are patients’ rights
Help for marginalised/greater risk/rural communities
After death: funeral costs, legal standing for partners without wills and legal documents
Emotional self-care and future care planning for self
Current research, petitions and policy: making our voices heard  

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