GP Assistant

Why a GP Assistant?

  • This could be a great career development pathway for an existing practice member, providing variety to the working week to support staff retention
  • For a receptionist spending time with the GP, and the GP spending time with them, this could be a fantastic source of learning for what the other does, and look for ways to streamline processes
  • Dedicated support for the GPs to support recruitment and retention and aim to get them home a bit sooner!
  • Possibilities to use this as a stepping stone into other roles, such as a trainee nursing associate role or care co-ordinator role

Update 27/9/22– following the announcement from NHSE to add GP assistants to the list of additional reimbursement roles (ARRs) we are awaiting an update from WT&E on further training cohorts. Please note the guidance from NHSE advises:

‘Introduce a general practice assistant (GPA) role in the ARRS. The role will offer clinical and administrative support to GPs, freeing up clinical time to focus on patient care. The role will be subject to a maximum reimbursement equivalent of an Agenda for Change Band 4 level and the outline will be based on the WT&E
competency framework.

PCNs can immediately start recruiting for the role, predominantly through trainee positions. Staff can be trained in practice, with on-the-job training and development led by GPs, in line with the role outline. Trainee GPAs will also have the opportunity to complete WT&E’s structured, accredited training route, aligned to the competency framework, equipping them with formal certification of their learning.’

Training pathways

There are two options for training, either an accredited route or on-the-job training following the WT&E competency framework.

Accredited training:

  • The formal (accredited) training requires the individual to be released for 4hrs per week for personal study time and 4hrs per week for 1:1 training. The 1:1 training could be on courses, observing all clinical and non-clinical members of the team, and being observed completing patient interactions. The remainder of the working week can be flexible to suit the needs of the practice and individual. So the 4hrs of 1:1 training does not need to all be with a GP!
  • The GPA needs to complete an e-portfolio covering the training domains, supported by a named GP mentor (they can also have a practice manager mentor who could support the non-clinical elements instead of the GP)
  • On completion of training a £1700 training grant (correct at the time of writing in 2022) is payable by WT&E to the employing practice
  • If your PCN or GP practice wishes to register their interest in accreditation, please complete a short Microsoft Forms questionnaire. Individuals can express their interest here.  

Non-accredited training:

  • Staff can be trained in practice, with on-the-job training and development led by GPs, in line with the role outline
  • The WT&E competency framework can be found by clicking the button below

Please click here to see an overview of the GP Assistant training programme. However, please also see the link here to complete an application.

It’s important to note that there are 50 places across the Southwest Region and the deadline for applications is midnight on Thursday 30th of November 2023.

Further information can be found at e-learning for health General Practice Assistant – elearning for healthcare (

Job Description

Please click here to access an example job description.

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