We are delighted to be able to offer a series of sexual health 1hr lunch and learn sessions on MS Teams. The first session will be on 22nd April with an introduction to Pill Checks. The sessions will be delivered by Dr Laura Patterson; MBChB BA (Hons) MRCGP Cert Med Ed DCH DFFP, Faculty Registered Trainer FSRH. There will be plenty of time for questions/discussion as participatory learning.
Future dates planned will be 20th May, 17th June, 15th July with more to follow.
Our sessions are based from the feedback from the CPD survey for General Practice Nurses and Allied Health Professionals and our Countywide offer, sexual health learning and development was identified as one of the top priorities. We would also welcome topics you wish to be included as part of these sessions.
Please note that registration for the first lunch & learn session on Thursday 22nd April is now closed as we have reached maximum capacity. To register your interest in future sessions please contact glccg.pcwc@nhs.net and further communication will be sent at that time.
For any sexual health topics you wish to propose are included for future sessions please contact helen.acock@nhs.net