South West Nursing Celebration & Awards

Please book your free place at the South West Celebration of Practice Nursing 2021

We are very excited to announce that NHS England and NHS Improvement will be hosting a virtual Celebration of Practice Nursing Event held in the evening of 11th February 2021. This is the first ever South West Celebration of Practice Nursing Awards.

There will be two parts. One is for us in the South West to showcase the fantastic work we’ve done over the last few years for practice nursing for everyone to see. The other part is an awards ceremony for the amazing practice nurses who work in the South West.

The GPN 10PP has achieved the recruitment, the retention and the return of practice nurses it was set up to do. In the South West alone we have seen an increase of 254 more nurses in general practice.

The great success of the GPN 10PP in the South West is largely down to the innovation and good work by the nurses and health care professionals working in general practice in the South West, and their leaders.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Full details and how to book can be found here

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