Oliver McGowan Training

Oliver McGowan mandatory training has been brought in nationally to provide training on Learning Disability and Autism. This form allows us to understand who has completed the required e-learning, and is ready to book their live training, to undertake their tier of training.

Tier 1 and tier 2 training are outlined below in the infographic.

The details provided on the form will be shared with the ICS lead for this training, who will contact people to arrange their live training. By completing this form you are consenting to your information being used for this purpose. You will need to indicate below whether you are applying for tier 1 live training (60min online interactive session) or tier 2 (1 day live training- in person at a Gloucestershire venue). A breakdown of which staff need to do which tier is below.

Tier 1

  • Any non-clinical staff that are not patient facing
  • We have been advised that for admin and reception staff it will be down to practice discretion whether tier 1 or tier 2 training is completed (please check with your practice manager or line manager if you are not sure)

Tier 2

  • All clinical staff
  • Any non-clinical patient-facing staff which will include: social prescriber link workers, care co-ordinators or health and wellbeing coaches
  • Any reception and admin staff where their practice advise them to complete tier 2 rather than tier 1

If you are not sure which tier to complete please speak with your practice or contact the training hub at glicb.pcwc@nhs.net.

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