Hannah’s story

Hannah's story

Hannah talks about about becoming a First Contact Practitioner Physiotherapist in Gloucestershire Primary Care

advanced physio

There are 3 Advanced Physiotherapists working in Gloucestershire County; we asked one to tell us her experiences of this new and exciting role. (Hannah is the one in the middle!)

Role Title: Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner in Primary Care

How long have I been doing the role?

14 months

What inspired me to apply for the role?

First contact practitioner roles in primary care for MSK physiotherapists were fairly new when I applied for my post. The area I work in was and still is a trailblazing service and team. As advanced practitioners we are working at the top end of our physiotherapy license and so this requires extra training and involves new challenges. My role is evolving as the service was initially a pilot scheme so we are learning constantly and there is a continuous pace of change which suits my work style and mentality perfectly.

What are the best bits about my role?

I love the fast paced nature of the role. Not just the quick patient turn around as this can be a blessing as well as more challenging but also the speed at which change happens, goals move forward and services are responsive and evolving.  Also working in primary care is very different from working in a traditional outpatients physiotherapy setting. I feel part of a large multi-disciplinary team and the friendships and relationship you develop are warming and humbling. The patients I come across in primary care are also different from work I have previously done. Patients tend to have a relationship with and understanding of their own GP surgery. Patient soften present with more acute and less defined problems in primary care and you have to manage risk in a different way to how you would in other settings.

What are the challenging parts of my role?

Sometimes the speed of change and patient throughput can be challenging but it is also the best thing about the role. Being a trailblazing service is exciting but it can also be challenging because we are often being scrutinized more closely then other services when we are still learning and implementing ourselves. 

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