Receptionist and Administrator Primary Care Flexible Pool

If you are you a Receptionist or Administrator in a substantive role in general practice who is looking to undertakeadditional work within Gloucestershire, this item outlines the benefits of joining NHS Gloucestershire’s Flexible Staffing Pool.

The Pool provides the opportunity for roles including GPs and HCA staff, to undertake additional work on a flexible basis. It is already providing benefits for Locum GPs and practices, and the opportunity is now being offered to our Receptionist and Administrator colleagues.

The NASGP (National Association of Sessional GPs) have developed our very successful flexible pool for GPs and provide flexible staffing pools for additional roles in other areas. In providing the opportunity for Receptionists & Administrators to join the flexible staffing pool, you will be able to work some additional hours flexibly to increase your income at a time that fits around your life and your current role, gain experience in other practices, and meet new people.

Please note that:

  • The pool is for Receptionists & Administrators in primary care who are already in substantive roles in general practiceand are looking to undertake additional work which may not be available in their own surgery.
  • NASGP is not an agency, meaning there are no joining or agency fees to pay for you as a Receptionist or Administrator. NHS Gloucestershire currently centrally funds booking fees for service.  

To register your interest in joining the Receptionist and Administrator Primary Care Flexible Pool please complete the below form.

Flexible Staffing Pool Receptionist & Administrator Module EOI

Optional EDI Questions

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