Secondary Training

Training provided by e-Lfh

Five Ways to Wellbeing (Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing)Module introducing the concept of wellbeing and how the Five Ways to Wellbeing can be implemented in a variety of settings to help people improve their mental health & emotional wellbeing
Physical Activity and Health programmeThis elearning course prepares GPs, nurses and Social Prescribers to champion the benefits of physical activity with their patients and, in doing so, help prevent and/or manage a range of common physical and mental health conditions
COVID-19: Psychological First AidPsychological first aid (PFA) training and help people with different needs to cope with the emotional impact of COVID-19.
Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) – Step Up Isolation training moduleTraining on isolatation, it’s impacts, how to recognise it and support on helping people who are isolated.
Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) – In Depth Suicide Awareness Training
Personal Health Budgets programmePersonal health budgets are one way to give disabled people and people with long term conditions more choice and control over how the money is spent on meeting their health and wellbeing needs. The modules in this programme cover a variety of topics to support the delivery of personal health budgets at a local level.
Shared Decision Making programmeThis elearning resource provides guidance on what Shared Decision Making (SDM) is and how to implement it in practice. It also provides resources to help health professionals learn the required skills.
Social Prescribing Link Worker Webinar SeriesFuture NHS Social Prescribing link to a wide range national webinar’s in the NHSE/I social prescribing webinar series.  Topics include things such as
Assessing Wellbeing using ONS4, Supporting Community Groups, Supporting Financial Management etc.
NOTE: You will need to register to access these webinars.
Mental Health Awareness Programme for Health ProfessionalsCovering an introduction to mental health conditions for broad workforce; consists of:
Mental health awareness
Physical healthcare for people with severe mental illness
Medically unexplained symptoms
Psychological therapies for common mental health conditions
Personality disorders
Suicide Prevention programmeThe purpose of this programme is to support the ambition of reducing the stigma associated with suicide, to help everyone see that simply asking someone how they are and talking about suicide can really help. The learning is specifically aimed at making sure that everyone in contact with the public, in whatever role, knows how to spot any signs of mental distress and feel comfortable in talking about suicide.
Social Prescribing and musculoskeletal conditions – WebinarsWebinars surrounding Social Prescribing and musculoskeletal conditions, including Presentation slides.
ARMA Social Prescribing and musculoskeletal conditions GuideA guide designed for link workers and social prescribing services.

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Jun 21, 2022 - Secondary Training. At the Gloucestershire Primary Care Training Hub we act as an easily accessible resource for Primary Care staff.

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