Urgent Workforce Response

Urgent Workforce Response


We are thankful for all of the responses that have been received from GPs across the county from the Call to Arms survey. From the survey a number of GPs have been successfully connected into Care UK for OOH services, into G DOC and we are collating information locums and fixed term contracts for employment directly with practices for the coming weeks when the lock down lifts as primary care is likely to see a surge of patients.

To support GP’s to return to practice and consideration of Medical Student volunteers, Dr Lizzie Eley, Clinical Chair of the Primary Care Training Hub in conjunction with lead education and lead IT/Digital GP’s has developed a comprehensive guide which can be found below.

As well as the information which is included in this pack, the ICB and Primary Care Training Hub is supporting returner GP’s with funded e-learning modules from NB Medical Education. Please contact us if you would like to have access to this offer.

SW Training Hub Covid-19 Learning Resources

A detailed training offer for the spectrum of staff in primary care can be found below. This information includes Covid-19 related training as well as other relevant training information which will be of use including video consultations, clinical topics, safeguarding, leadership, E-Learning for Health Resources, Social Prescribing information and more.

GCare – Covid-19 Resources and Support

Further clinical Covid-19 resources available on GCare https://g-care.glos.nhs.uk/pathway/966/resource/11

Supporting GPs’ Well Being & Mental Health

For useful advice, top tips for staying well in these difficult times as well as a number of websites links, recent national publications & other free resources please visit our ‘Supporting GPs’ Well Being & Mental Health’ page using the link in the navigation on the right of this page or using the link below.


The Link Below is advice from Health and Care Professions Council regarding Covid-19


GP Appraisals and Revalidation – COVID-19 Health Emergency

For information and support regarding GP Appraisals and Revalidation during the Civid-19 Pandemic please click in the link below


Discounts and Deals for NHS Staff during the Covid-19 Pandemic

A number of organisations are supporting NHS staff during this time by offering discounts and deals on their products or services which can be found on the spreadsheet at the link below.  Please note that this third-party information and may be subject to change. 


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