
Volunteer Recruitment Framework

As part of the Covid-19 response, a fast-track recruitment framework for both clinical and non-Clinical volunteers has been developed for use across the NHS in Gloucestershire. A bespoke version of this for use in primary care can be found below.

The primary care team is happy to talk to you about the framework if you are interested – please contact glccg.pcwc@nhs.net

In the meantime, if you are using a volunteer already, or have done so, we’d really like to hear about your experience. We are always looking for case studies to share, so please do get in touch

Gloucestershire Covid-19 Response: Local Clinical and Non-Clinical NHS Volunteers in Primary Care Fast Track Recruitment Framework

Background and Purpose

This Framework has been produced in response to the need for a fast-track recruitment process for new clinical and non-clinical local NHS volunteers (OUTSIDE of the national NHS volunteer Responders scheme) who have come forward to support the C19 pandemic in Gloucestershire.  A system-wide group of volunteer lead managers has been formed to oversee local NHS volunteer activities, including the creation of the process into this Framework.  It is important to note that the group’s work is focused on overseeing volunteer activities that are OUTSIDE of the national NHS volunteer Responders scheme, which is being managed centrally and separately.  However, if any individuals’ come forward to local system partners who want to be a volunteer and they ‘fit’ within one of the four NHS Responders categories, they will be directed to apply to be an NHS Responder. 

The intention is this Framework will drive consistency of approach by local NHS organisations, although it will need to be adapted to local need as part of each organisations’ own implementation strategy.

Please see below the frameworks for non-clinical and clinical volunteers, the difference being that clinical volunteers are in some way using their clinical skills in the (unpaid) volunteer role.


Application Form (combined with initial Occupational Health Clearance)https://glosprimarycare.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Primary-Care-Volunteers-Doc-1.docx
ReferenceOne reference is required, but if the person is known to an NHS staff member, the staff member can instead sign a ‘guarantor’ form: https://glosprimarycare.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Primary-Care-Volunteers-Doc-2.docx

Here is a reference template if required: https://glosprimarycare.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Volunteers-Reference-Template-Doc-3.docx

Although the DBS ‘result’ is expected back within around 48 hours, if there is an urgency in the volunteer starting, a waiver form can be completed and signed whilst the DBS check is expected: https://glosprimarycare.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Volunteers-DBS-Check-Doc-4.docx
E-Learning Mandatory TrainingWorkforce Transformation and Education has developed the following tool (from NHSE C19 Volunteer Guidance: 3 Apr 20) for use if and as appropriate, selecting from the various categories depending on the role:
Brief guidance on information governance for volunteers is here:

The following may also be a useful guide:
If the volunteer is going to be physically based in a Practice building, consider:
• Fire Safety
• Health, Safety & Welfare
• Confidentiality
• Infection Prevention & Control
If the volunteer is going to be able to access clinical records, consider:
• Information Governance
• The specific clinical software
If the volunteer is going to be anywhere near patients who may have Covid-19, consider:
• Educating them about Covid-19
• Use of PPE

Given the rise in domestic violence seen during the Covid-19 pandemic, consider awareness of adult and children safeguarding in case they come across possible victims
Managerial AccountabilityYou will need to determine the line management arrangements to share with the volunteer
InductionTo be designed by the recruiting manager based on the individual concerned and the tasks being asked of them
Risk AssessmentHere is a template that can be used: https://glosprimarycare.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Risk-Assessment-Doc-5.docx

If you have a role in mind, then do check first with Richard.Hobbs@ghc.nhs.uk or Sarah.Brown33@nhs.net as they may have already produced a relevant risk assessment.

Factors to consider include (but are not exhaustive):
• Manual handling
• Personal safety
• Lone working
• Infection control
• Slip and falls hazards
• Violence and aggression
Volunteer AgreementA volunteer agreement will be required. See example: https://www.mayorsfundforlondon.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Kitchen-Social_Example_Volunteer_Agreement.pdf

For further information, please also see:


Application Form (combined with initial Occupational Health Clearance)https://glosprimarycare.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Volunteers-Health-Declaration-Doc-1.docx
ReferenceOne reference is required, but if the person is known to an NHS staff member, the staff member can instead sign a ‘guarantor’ form:

Here is a reference template if required:

Although the DBS ‘result’ is expected back within around 48 hours, if there is an urgency in the volunteer starting, a waiver form can be completed and signed whilst the DBS check is expected:
E-Learning Mandatory TrainingWorkforce Transformation and Education has developed the following tool (from NHSE C19 Volunteer Guidance: 3 Apr 20) for use if and as appropriate, selecting from the various categories depending on the role:

Brief guidance on information governance for volunteers is here:

The following may also be a useful guide:
If the volunteer is going to be physically based in a Practice building, consider:
• Fire Safety
• Health, Safety & Welfare
• Resuscitation (e-lfh level 2)
• Confidentiality
• Infection Prevention & Control
If the volunteer is going to be able to access clinical records, consider:
• Information Governance
• The specific clinical software
If the volunteer is going to be anywhere near patients who may have Covid-19, consider:
• Educating them about Covid-19
• Use of PPE

Given the rise in domestic violence seen during the Covid-19 pandemic, consider awareness of adult and children safeguarding in case they come across possible victims.
Managerial Accountability and Clinical SupervisionYou will need to determine the line management arrangements to share with the volunteer.

You will need to determine the clinical supervision arrangements to share with the volunteer. This document may help:
InductionTo be designed by the recruiting manager based on the individual concerned and the tasks being asked of them
Risk AssessmentHere is a template that can be used: https://glosprimarycare.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Volunteers-Risk-Assessment-Doc-5.docx

If you have a role in mind, then do check first with Richard.Hobbs@ghc.nhs.uk or Sarah.Brown33@nhs.net as they may have already produced a relevant risk assessment.

Factors to consider include (but are not exhaustive):
• Manual handling
• Personal safety
• Lone working
• Infection control
• Slip and falls hazards
• Violence and aggression
Volunteer AgreementA volunteer agreement will be required. See example: https://www.mayorsfundforlondon.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Kitchen-Social_Example_Volunteer_Agreement.pdf

For further information, please also see:
Due DiligenceAs a minimum, the recruiting manager will need to see evidence from the volunteer of professional registration/qualifications/experience/skills related to the tasks the volunteer will be undertaking

Key Points from NHS England C19 Volunteer Guidance (3 April 2020):

• “All volunteers must be made aware of the need to stop volunteering should they feel unwell and to follow the latest government and NHS advice for the public especially regarding COVID-19 symptoms”
• “All volunteers should be offered the same level of protection and support as paid staff, and we are working to ensure volunteers are included in testing for COVID-19 where appropriate alongside NHS-employed staff”


  • Practices will need to check their cover arrangements with their own insurer

The whole pack can be downloaded for printing and amendment at the link below.


Gloucestershire C19 Response: Volunteer Leads Group,

along with advice from local GP Leads

4 May 2020

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